FLEYE-Fly your eyes.

FLEYE-Fly your eyes.


Every time I see new products coming out, I really appreciate those who have played a vital role in high tech field. Rarely can our world go forward without their contribution.

The design of drones is progressive nowadays. I love to see high-tech products with fashionable appearances. To my surprise, this new autonomous drone-fleye, on the contrary, has less aggressive looks, and hardly can I move my eyes off it. Fleye is featured with its unique spherical design, which makes it pretty gorgeous and adorable. Let’s take a quick preview of fleye’s “traits”


(1) On-board computer-         Dual-core – 512MB running Linux

(2) Easy to swap batteries-     10 minutes flight time

(3) Protective grids-                No risk of personal injury

(4) HD Camera 5mpx-            1080p 30fps

(5) Soccer ball sized-              23cm-450g

(6) 7 sensors-                          optical flow, altimeter, GPS and so on.

According to its announcement and pictures, what this innovative drone attracts me is that it can be controlled easily using our smartphone application. Furthermore, you are able to use the virtual gamepad or bluetooth gamepad to control it if you have manual control preference. So it provides easier way for people (just like me)- who don’t really like multifarious operation. Personally, there are several great functions I really dig; the first one is- fly it to a given altitude, and rotates on itself so as to capture a 360 degrees panorama. As another, the fleye officials say that fleye is an open platform, they welcome developers creating other applications to support specific use cases. Generally speaking, this machine is fabulous for me and I think you can also have fun with it, especially if you are a photography lover. Remote control, or maybe I should say drone technology, is universal at present worldwide, fleye has elevated it level higher. You definitely have to give it a try once you have got a chance.

Source: Kickstarter

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